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Four years ago, we drafted simple legislation that mandates that if a telephone and cable company performs a service in New York, then they would have to keep its Call Centers in the areas in which it serves. A common sense approach to ensuring that good jobs stay right here in our communities. But for years Albany politicians dragged their feet while receiving massive campaign support from the telephone and cable lobby. Hundreds of good jobs have already been offshored out of New York, and these politicians will not do anything about it.
Send a message that with just a stoke of the pen, you can help ensure that thousands of working people have good jobs and can continue to work hard and provide for their families. Call the following politicians today and tell them to put S.213 The Call Center Bill on the Senate floor for a vote now!
Because one job outsourced is one job too many.
Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (518) 455-3171
Senator Kemp Hannon (518) 455-2200
Assemblyman George Amedore (518) 843-0227
Senator Geroge Maziarz (518) 455-2024
Senator Mark Grisanti 518-455-3240