Local 1104 News Archive

  • Regional Bargaining Report #46

    As you know from prior bargaining reports the CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Committees made a proposal which addressed needs of both the Company and the Union. One of the critical issues for the Company is the cost of healthcare. The Union addressed this in our...

  • Regional Bargaining Report #45

    CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Committees met this week at the Rye Town Hilton in Westchester. In our last bargaining report we informed you that after high level discussions between the Union and the Company during the last few weeks the Union bargaining committee...

  • Regional Bargaining Report #44

    CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Committees met this week at the Rye Town Hilton in Westchester. After high level discussions between the Union and the Company during the last few weeks the Union bargaining committee worked all week to develop a proposal that addressed...

  • /News

    In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Eighty-seven years ago today, a great American, humanitarian, and civil rights activist was born; Martin Luther King, Jr.  In his far-too-short life, the Reverend Dr. King appealed to the conscience of our nation, held our great country to its highest ideals, and challenged all of us to see, and...

  • /Presidents Message

    Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!

    I would like to wish all of our members and their families the best in the Holiday Season and a great and prosperous New Year. 2015 brought many ups and downs as we represent our members against the Companies they work for. We will continue to fight Greedy Verizon for a fair contract in 2016. Also...

  • /Political Action

    CWA Endorses Sen. Bernie Sanders for President

    Citing the need for a candidate who will break with politics-as-usual and fight for America's working people, the Communications Workers of America (CWA) voted Thursday to endorse U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for president in the 2016 election. With 700,000 members, CWA is one of the largest unions...

  • /News

    CWA Joe Beirne Foundation Scholarship Program

    Fifteen partial college scholarships of $3,000 each are being offered for the 2016-2017 school year. Winners, selected in a lottery drawing, also will receive second-year scholarships of the same amount contingent upon satisfactory academic accomplishment.  Part-time students, less than 12 credits...

  • /News

    CWA 1104 Supports Long Island Cares

    CWA 1104 is proud to have donated $4,500 to Long Island Cares.  President Tom Benedetto, Executive Vice President  Mike Ippoliti and Secretary/Treasurer Edward Connelly presented the check that came from a collection of our membership.  Thank you to all who donated. 

  • Regional Bargaining Report #43

    Right before Thanksgiving we ended our bargaining session with Verizon by asking the Company to think hard about the Union's proposals. We told them if they truly want to reach an agreement with us they must address the Union's proposals regarding all of our important issues and begin...

  • Regional Bargaining Report #42

    CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Committees met this week at the Rye Town Hilton in Westchester. The committee spent most of Monday reviewing data and proposals. Later in the day there were off record discussions on Call Sharing.  On Tuesday the Union Committee presented...

  • /Presidents Message

    Happy Thanksgiving Local 1104

    During this time of Thanksgiving I have been reflecting on the things I am most grateful for. There are the most obvious things; my family, friends and my health, but there is another part of my life that I am thankful for, my co-workers.It is the members of Local 1104 that make the union succeed....

  • Regional Bargaining Report #41

    CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Committees met this week at the Rye Town Hilton in Westchester.   The committees met from Tuesday to Friday this week to attempt to ignite the bargaining process that has been stalled because of Verizon’s refusal to move off their...

  • Regional Bargaining Report #40

    Friday, November 6, 2015 CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Committees met this week at the Rye Town Hilton in Westchester. The Company passed a new Comprehensive proposal which contained modified proposals on Healthcare, Tuition Assistance, Work & Family Funding and...

  • Regional Bargaining Report #39

    On Monday afternoon, Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders joined with hundreds of NYC CWA members for a rally right outside the Verizon Wireless store on 42nd Street in midtown Manhattan.  As CWA members waved signs that read "Stop Verizon Wireless Corporate Greed," and "Build Up FiOS, Not...

  • /News

    Donate to Love without Walls

    Love Without Walls is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization helping children in need. Current efforts are focused on building a children’s hospital wing in Suhum, Ghana. Please support this worthy cause by donating today at lovewithoutwalls.org Donations of $25 or more are matched by the Verizon...

  • Regional Bargaining Report #38

    CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional  Committees met this week at the Rye Town Hilton in Westchester.    There is no progress to report on any of the major issues. The Company is still proposing to shifts thousands of dollars of healthcare costs onto our members, diminish...
