Local 1104 News Archive
Stop What You Are Doing and Make The Call Right Now!
Due to our work and calls, we will get our Call Center Bill passed in the Assembly today. It is going to be held up in the Senate if we Don't take action TODAY! THE SESSION ENDS TODAY! WE ONLY HAVE TODAY TO GET IT PASSED! Verizon has sent at least 1000 call center jobs overseas. NYS Senate bill...
Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Every year the National Association of Letter Carriers and the United States Postal Service, along with the United Food and Commercial Workers, AFL-CIO and more host the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. It is one of the largest single day food drives in the country. It is so successful because it is...
New Business Agent
The election committee of Local 1104 has announced that that Tom Finn has won the election for Business Agent, representing Construction and Real Estate here in Local 1104. Congratulations to Tom!
Verizon Surplus Announced
Here are the surplus titles and numbers declared by Verizon. If you are electing to leave the payroll, please call the Local to assure your pension eligibility. This is a regular IPP (EIPP). Click here to download the letter from Verizon with Surplus titles.
2017 Summer Camp Form and Reimbursement
What is the Summer Camp Program? The 2017 Summer Camp includes summer day programs as well as overnight camp programs and is made available through the Local and NY/NE Regional Work & Family Committee. The fund will reimburse up to $600.00 per child for summer camp expenses incurred between...
7th Annual Workers Memorial Mass
April 28th is a day recognized annually by the union community as Workers Memorial Day, which is the anniversary of the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Say what you will about those pesky OSHA inspections, but OSHA safety and regulation standards save lives. It's estimated that...
One Year Since the Strike
Tomorrow will be 1 year that CWA President, Chris Shelton called for a strike against Verizon. We stood together at 6 a.m. on a chilly morning in front of 741 Zeckendorf Blvd. not knowing what our future would hold. It was a huge risk, but a risk we had to take. Verizon's greed forced us to the...
CWA 1104 Bob Lilja Memorial Golf Outing - July 11th
To benefit the new york association of blind athletes. Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at Bergen point golf course West Babylon, NY 11704 Shotgun start 8:30 a.M. 7:00 am registration with full breakfast; lunch with two-hour open bar at 1:30 pm $115 per 1104 member$100 per 1104 retiree$135 per guest...
Bill to Save US Call Center Jobs is Introduced
Today, the "U.S. Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act" was introduced in both the House and Senate, to protect workers and consumers and to curb the off-shoring of American jobs. The legislation requires that U.S. callers be told the location of the call center to which they are speaking...
New Contract and Election
I would like to start by congratulating the Graduate Student Union for overwhelmingly approving their contract. At Local 1104 we represent thousands of graduate students at the four university centers, Stony Brook, Binghamton, Buffalo and Albany, as well at the state colleges. For the next three...
Graduate Students Approve Contract
We are very happy to report that our Graduate Student Union has overwhelmingly ratified, the 3 year contract that was recently bargained with the State of New York. Great job by everyone involved in reaching a very fair settlement with the State. Thank you all.
Notice of Election for Business Agent
A Notice of Election went out in the mail today for the position of Business Agent that represents Construction and Real Estate in Local 1104. Please see the notice below for more information.
Election Ballots to be mailed
It has come to the attention of the election committee that ballots were never sent out to the Research Assistants for Secretary Treasurer election. Ballots will be mailed out the week ending February 18, 2017. If any member wishes to appeal they have until February 8, 2017. Thank you,CWA Local...
Save the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act, also known as the ACA or ObamaCare is under attack. The Congress and the new administration have committed to repealing it right away. On Sunday, January 15th at 12:30 PM local leaders including Congressmen Tom Suozzi and Congresswomen Kathleen Rice will be holding a...
Stop the Corporate Cabinet
The CWA is asking all of its members to call your Senators and ask them to oppose the corporate cabinet that has been selected by Trump. This week, we are asking members to call about Tom Price who has been selected to head the Health and Human Services Department. Price has been a longtime...
Secretary/Treasurer Election Results
Our Election Committee has just announced that Chris Blom has won the election for Secretary/Treasurer of Local 1104. He will take office on Monday, January 9, 2017.