Local 1104 News Archive
NettWorth August Retirement Seminars
Navigating a Surplus & How Financial Professionals Are Compensated - 20 Minute Webinar Thursday, August 8th - 6pm Navigating a Surplus & Retirement Benefits - 20 Minute Webinar Thursday, August 15th - 6pm Navigating a Surplus & Retirement Benefits - 20 Minute Webinar Thursday, August...
Spouse / Domestic Partner Dependent Verification
A Message from Mike Ippoliti, President You must Complete Spouse / Domestic Partner Dependent Verification by this Friday, July 5th. Please follow how to submit documentation with the paperwork provided below. If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact us at the Local at 516-...
Bob Lilja Memorial Golf Outing - August 12th
Download the above flyer.
CWA Yankess & Mets Games
Join Communication Workers of America and the New York Yankees for a fun-filled day at Yankee Stadium! Saturday, July 20th at 1:05pm Click here for tickets! NY Mets VS. Phillies Sunday, September 22, 2024 1:40 PM at Citi Field Stadium 123-01 Roosevelt Ave, Queens, NY 11368 Please come and...
Rest in Peace George K. Bloom
It’s with our deepest sympathy we sadly announce the passing of our former president of CWA Local 1104, George K. Bloom. George served as president from 2005 till 2014. On behalf of the Executive Board, Staff, and Membership we offer our condolences to his family and friends.
Fordham Graduate Workers & Fordham University Contract Ratified
We are happy to report that our Fordham Graduate Workers and Fordham University contract has been overwhelmingly Ratified! Congratulations on your 1 st contract. I also want to thank our bargaining committee, District 1, our organizers, our mobilizers and rank and file. We also want to thank all...
Tentative Agreement Reached with Fordham University
A Message from Mike Ippoliti, President We would like to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement with Fordham's administration on a full first contract. We will share a comprehensive bargaining report within the next 24 hours. To become a legally binding contract, the full tentative...
The Truth About Annuities Webinar - April 30th & May 2nd
Save the Date: Annual Golf Outing August 12th
Fordham Tentative Agreement
We want to thank the Bargaining Committee and District 1 for all the hard work over the last year and 11 months in getting our First Contract! We also want to thank all who have supported and have stood beside us in this Fight! Summary of Tentative Agreement CWA and Fordham University Upon...
NY/NE Work & Family Committee 2024 Initiatives
High School Student Driver Educa4on ~ $600 per dependent (one and done) Defensive Driving Reimbursement ~ $100 per family every 3 years Tutoring Reimbursement ~ $1,000 per family dependents receiving tutoring from an accredited program must be postmarked by 1/10/25 ~ paid 4/25/25 College books for...
1104 Scholarships
Joe Beirne Scholarship Program Sixteen partial college scholarships of $4,000 each are being offered for the 2024-2025 school year. Winners, selected in a lottery drawing, also will receive second-year scholarships of the same amount contingent upon satisfactory academic accomplishment. Part-...
Workers Memorial Mass - Monday April 29th
Tax Implications of Retirement Planning Seminar - March 19 & 21
General Membership Meeting March 5
Below is the notice for the next CWA Local 1104 General Membership meeting for the Communications and Operators Division. All members in good standing are encouraged to attend on Tuesday March 5.
Retire Confidently Seminar - March 7th
Hosted By: The Murphy Team Sponsored By: AXA Equitable You’re Invited! Preparing for retirement? Join us for a Retire Confidently Seminar as we discuss the details of your retirement including benefits, interest rates, and more! Retirement Benefits - Pension Calculation, Rising GATT/PBGC Rates...