Local 1104 News Archive
2020 Stock Together Program
Time is running out to sign up for the 2020 Stock Together program. You must sign up to take part in it. You can find out more about the program by clicking here.
CPS Deferral Letter
This year, the CPS Deferral letter(s) will be sent to active eligible employees' work email addresses. (Employees who are on a leave of absence or short-term disability will receive a letter mailed to their home). As you are aware, the communication informs eligible employees about the option...
Home Garaging Extended
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the home garaging agreement with Verizon has been extended until January 31st. Click here to download the signed agreement.
Happy Holidays Local 1104
The holidays are here and with it brings the end of a unique and crazy 2020 that I hope we never have to deal with again. We have dealt with so much this year, a global pandemic, the loss of countless brothers, sisters, parents, loved ones, neighbors, and friends. Yet through it all 1104 members...
Happy Thanksgiving
On behalf of everyone here at Local 1104, we wish a Happy, Healthy and Safe Thanksgiving to each of you and your families.
Election Results
The results of the 2020 CWA Local 1104 Elections have been certified and are now final. I would like to give a tremendous thank you to the members of the Election Committee for their impeccable handling of this process. Job well done! Chair Election Committee – Sean Colon Toni-Rose Annicaro ...
Home Garaging Extended
The Home Garage Agreement for Verizon workers has been extended until December 31st. Click here to download the agreement.
Verizon Surplus Announced
Verizon has announced a surplus. Below is the letter from the company. This letter is to notify you that Verizon New York Inc., Verizon Services Corp., and Empire City Subway Company (Ltd.), (collectively "the Company") are declaring a surplus condition in twenty-eight (28)titles within Force...
CWA Voter Guide
There are 3 ways you can vote this year: You can vote by mail. All New York residents may vote by absentee ballot this year. If you haven't already, request your ballot at absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov. If prompted to give a reason for requesting an absentee ballot, you may select "Temporary...
Home Garaging and Work from Home Renewal Reached
CWA and Verizon have agreed to extend the Work from Home and Home Garaging agreements. The Work from Home Agreement will be extended until January 1, 2021. The Home Garaging Agreement has been extended until October 31, 2020. Please see the click the links above for the attached agreements. Stay...
2020 Scholarship Winners
CWA Local 1104 awarded twenty-two (22) scholarships. A total of $23,000 was given to the children and grandchildren of our members and retirees. We at Local 1104 hope this money will help in their pursuit of higher education and that they will have a successful school year: Active $1000 each:...
Happy Labor Day
This year, Labor Day looks a lot different for many of us. The usual activities-the parades, backyard barbecues, vacations, and gatherings with friends and families-will be smaller, postponed or canceled altogether. But Labor Day always has meant more than just social events. It's a day to honor...
September Union Meeting Canceled
Unfortunately, we are cancelling our General Membership meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2020 due to the COVID 19 Pandemic. Below is the revised schedule. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH TIME: 6 PM PLACE: AMERICAN LEGION POST #1066 HALL...
Take Action: Pass the Heroes Act
Our Senators in New York State are on board and fighting to have the senate take up H.R. 6800. Please share the image above on social media and ask your friends and family across the country to urge their senators to pass the Heroes Act.
COVID-19 Agreements with Verizon Extended
CWA and Verizon have agreed to extend the home garaging, work from home and back up care agreements, until September 30, 2020. Please see attached agreements. With COVID-19 continuing to impact our daily lives, we have decided to cancel our Annual Golf Outing. Be safe and have a good weekend...
8 Minutes and 46 Seconds-Stop Work
As trade unionists and as Americans, we were all outraged by the vicious murder of George Floyd. We are heartened by the uprising of hundreds of thousands of Americans, Black, Brown and white, demanding an end to racism and declaring: "Black Lives Matter." Because of COVID-19, it has been...