Local 1104 News Archive
Happy Holidays Local 1104
As President of CWA 1104, I am tremendously proud of what our members, officers, executive board, and staff have accomplished over this past year. This holiday season is a time to reflect back on all our accomplishments, as well as looking forward through the journey that is ahead for us. I would...
Support Candidates Who Support Us
Election Day is less than a week away. Thanks to the hard work of our LPAT team, Local 1104 has been knocking on doors and making phone calls for our endorsed candidates. This election is very important. We have the chance to send some pro-union elected officials to Albany and DC. Elected officials...
Labor Walk Saturday
We are now less than two weeks away from Election Day. Here on Long Island, we have a number of important races that will decide the future of power in D.C. and Albany. Over the last few decades, years, and months, unions and our values have come under attack. Our jobs have been shipped overseas to...
Liuba- Our Union Values on the Ballot
We are less then 3 weeks from a very important date, Election Day. It is no secret that over the last few years collective bargaining rights have come under attack from all angles. Whether it was Janus which made Right to Work (for less) a national law for public sector unions, the weakening of...
Take Part in a Labor Walk for Liuba
Over the next three weeks, our local will be joining with unions from across Long Island to take part in labor walks for our endorsed candidates. During these labor walks, we will be speaking to fellow union members about the importance of voting for union endorsed candidates. One of those...
Verizon Declares Surplus
This letter is to notify you that Verizon New York Inc.. Empire City Subway Company (Ltd). Verizon Corporate Services Corp., and Verizon Services Corp', (collectively "the Company") are declaring a surplus condition in 17 titles within Force Adjustment Areas ("FAAs") 1 through 6, as well as...
Tele-TownHall With Governor Cuomo Tonight
Tonight, September 6th, Governor Andrew Cuomo is joining CWA members for a special Teleconference Town Hall. It's your chance to hear from him about the issues that matter most to our members: Protecting NY jobs and ending tax breaks for companies which ship jobs overseas Establishing safe...
Happy Labor Day
On Monday we celebrate the Union's holiday, the Worker's holiday- Labor Day. This is the one day of the year that we celebrate the working man and woman. This is the one day that we remember the sacrifices that were made to fight for a job that will pay us well enough to take care of our families...
Workers Ratify New Four Year Deal with Verizon
Verizon workers represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions and at Verizon Connected Solutions voted to ratify a four year extension of their current contracts, which were set to expire in August 2019. The extensions provide for additional...
2018 Awarded Scholarship - 22 Winners
CWA Local 1104 awarded twenty-two (22) scholarships. A total of $23,000 was given to the children and grandchildren of our members and retirees. We at Local 1104 hope this money will help in their pursuit of higher education and that they will have a successful school year: Active: – $1000 each...
Verizon Contract Vote Tomorrow
Please be aware that to vote in the Verizon Ratification Contract, ballots will be given out at the following date, time and location: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Knights of Columbus - Levittown 3581 Jeffries Road Levitown, NY 11756 Thank you in advance for your...
Final Verizon Bargaining Update
After CWA's victory in the 2016 strike, we saw a marked improvement in the union's relationship with Verizon management. An attitude of problem-solving replaced an attitude of conflict. The company committed to hiring workers to remove double-poles. A more cooperative relationship developed in...
Verizon Contract Extension Reached
CWA, IBEW and Verizon have reached an agreement in principle to extend the collective bargaining agreements for a four-year period. The current agreements are set to expire on August 3, 2019. If finalized, the agreements will extend through August 5, 2023. The company and the unions are documenting...
Bargaining Has Been Extended
As you already know, CWA, IBEW and Verizon began meeting for a two-week period to attempt to negotiate the terms of a possible extension to the collective bargaining agreements that are set to expire in August 2019. We have agreed with the Company to extend the negotiations for a few...
Bargaining With Verizon Continues
Bargaining between Verizon and CWA Executives will continue today. This is week 2 of the established bargaining period. Unfortunately, but understandably there is no information to share regarding this process. We will get information out as soon as we are able to. As a reminder, HRA...
Verizon Bargaining Update
As you know, our current collective bargaining agreement with Verizon does not expire until August, 2019, a little less than 15 months from now. However, Verizon, CWA and IBEW are jointly announcing today that we will be entering into two weeks of bargaining beginning June 18, 2018 to determine...