Presidents Message

  • /Presidents Message

    Surplus Declared

    This letter is to notify you that Verizon New York Inc., Verizon Corporate Services Corp., Verizon Services Corp., and Empire City Subway Company (Ltd.), (collectively "the Company") are declaring a surplus condition in thirty (30) titles within Force Adjustment Areas ("FAAs") 1 through 6 and...

  • /Presidents Message

    Early Voting Starts Saturday plus Endorsements

    For the first time in New York's history voters will be allowed to vote early. The early voting period starts on Saturday October 26th and runs through Sunday November 3. If you don't vote early, don't worry you can still vote normally on Election Day which is Tuesday November 5th.  Below are the...

  • /Presidents Message

    Happy Labor Day

    CWA 1104 would like to wish all of our members a Happy Labor Day. Labor Day is more than just a day for family and a day to mourn the end of summer, it's a reminder of why we fight. This is our holiday, the holiday to honor the working men and women. It is the holiday that honors the right to...

  • /Presidents Message

    CWA 1104 Works Hard at the National Convention

    CWA 1104 leaders are proud to have participated in the 2019 CWA Convention. At the convention, we heard speeches from some of our national union leaders like President Chris Shelton and Secretary-Treasurer Sara Steffens. Their remarks can be found by clicking here. We also considered a number of...

  • /Presidents Message

    October Defensive Driving Classes

    Our Defensive Driving Program has been very successful. This six-hour course is offered to all active members and their spouses.  Completion of the program will afford you a 10% discount on your auto insurance and a point reduction on your license. The course will be offered on:     Tuesday and...

  • /Presidents Message

    2019 Scholarship Information

    Local 1104 has a Scholarship Fund for the benefit of its members and their families. The number of scholarships awarded each year is determined by the Executive Board based on the funds available. This year we will award twenty scholarships - sixteen for active members and their families ($1000...

  • /Presidents Message

    Sign up for Defensive Driving Classes

    Our very successful Defensive Driving Program is back. This six-hour course is offered to all active members and their spouses. By completing the program you will get a 10% discount on our auto insurance and a point reduction on your license. The classes will take place from 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM at...

  • /Presidents Message

    Participate in the Plant Pride Program

    Plant Pride is a program that was created to identify and fix poor working conditions in our fiber and copper plants. It was established through a joint agreement between the CWA, Verizon and the Public Service Commission. Plant Pride allows you to submit a ticket  so that dangerous situations...

  • /Presidents Message

    Happy Holidays Local 1104

    As President of CWA 1104, I am tremendously proud of what our members, officers, executive board, and staff have accomplished over this past year. This holiday season is a time to reflect back on all our accomplishments, as well as looking forward through the journey that is ahead for us. I would...

  • /Presidents Message

    Support Candidates Who Support Us

    Election Day is less than a week away. Thanks to the hard work of our LPAT team, Local 1104 has been knocking on doors and making phone calls for our endorsed candidates. This election is very important. We have the chance to send some pro-union elected officials to Albany and DC. Elected officials...

  • /Presidents Message

    Labor Walk Saturday

    We are now less than two weeks away from Election Day. Here on Long Island, we have a number of important races that will decide the future of power in D.C. and Albany. Over the last few decades, years, and months, unions and our values have come under attack. Our jobs have been shipped overseas to...

  • /Presidents Message

    Liuba- Our Union Values on the Ballot

    We are less then 3 weeks from a very important date, Election Day. It is no secret that over the last few years collective bargaining rights have come under attack from all angles. Whether it was Janus which made Right to Work (for less) a national law for public sector unions, the weakening of...
