Presidents Message
Updates from CWA 1104
We have few important updates from CWA 1104. In March, members at Verizon should look out for the lump sum absence payments and the corporate profit sharing award. These collectively bargained payments will be included in the first and second paychecks in March. We also have a number of benefits...
Happy Holidays 1104
On behalf of everyone here at Local 1104 we want to wish all of our members and their families a wonderful holiday season. We hope 2018 brings health, happiness and prosperity to each and every one of you. As always, each year brings new challenges to the Local but we have learned when we work...
Happy Thanksgiving 1104
We are now entering into the season of thanks. On Thursday, families will come together to give thanks for the many gifts and bounties they have received over the past year. This year, we are giving thanks for you, the membership. I can truly say that I am lucky to represent such a wonderful group...
Get Out and Vote November 7
The Local's Political Action Team has been hard at work as we approach this Election Day which is Tuesday, November 7th. We appreciate their hard work during the last few months in preparing a voter's guide for our members who live in Nassau and Suffolk counties. Be sure to get to the polls on...
Happy Labor Day
Monday is Labor Day, the one day of the year that we celebrate the worker. Since the first Monday in September became a Federal Holiday in 1894, we have made great strides. A 40 hour work week, the weekend, safety protections, and the right to collectively bargain have all been fought for and won...
New Business Agent
The election committee of Local 1104 has announced that that Tom Finn has won the election for Business Agent, representing Construction and Real Estate here in Local 1104. Congratulations to Tom!
7th Annual Workers Memorial Mass
April 28th is a day recognized annually by the union community as Workers Memorial Day, which is the anniversary of the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Say what you will about those pesky OSHA inspections, but OSHA safety and regulation standards save lives. It's estimated that...
One Year Since the Strike
Tomorrow will be 1 year that CWA President, Chris Shelton called for a strike against Verizon. We stood together at 6 a.m. on a chilly morning in front of 741 Zeckendorf Blvd. not knowing what our future would hold. It was a huge risk, but a risk we had to take. Verizon's greed forced us to the...
New Contract and Election
I would like to start by congratulating the Graduate Student Union for overwhelmingly approving their contract. At Local 1104 we represent thousands of graduate students at the four university centers, Stony Brook, Binghamton, Buffalo and Albany, as well at the state colleges. For the next three...
Save the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act, also known as the ACA or ObamaCare is under attack. The Congress and the new administration have committed to repealing it right away. On Sunday, January 15th at 12:30 PM local leaders including Congressmen Tom Suozzi and Congresswomen Kathleen Rice will be holding a...
Secretary/Treasurer Election Results
Our Election Committee has just announced that Chris Blom has won the election for Secretary/Treasurer of Local 1104. He will take office on Monday, January 9, 2017.
Happy Holidays 1104
On behalf of the Executive Board, Business Agents and Staff here at Local 1104 I want to wish everyone all the best for this Holiday Season. Together as a union we accomplished so much in 2016. We fought for an excellent contract with Verizon in a 7 week strike. Most recently we came to a tentative...