Local 1104 News Archive
Call 1-888-966-9824 tell Senate to confirm NLRB Appointments
We need every member to call the number above and urge your U.S. Senator to confirm the 5 NLRB Appointments and Senate Rules Change. The National Labor Relations Board enforces the National Labor Relations Act, the principal law safeguarding your right to organize to improve your working conditions...
Make calls to save our work
We are in Albany working to get laws passed to protect our work and your jobs! We need every member to call their Assemblyman and New York Senator to tell them to co-sponsor and vote for these job saving bills. They are the following: FiOS Study Bill Number A 6003Call Center Bill Number A 7144 /...
Secure Your Place in Democracy
This Fourth of July we will once again declare America's independence and stand together, united by the common yet powerful idea of inalienable rights and the belief that everyone is created equal. In the U.S. Constitution, our nation's founders forged these words: "We hold these truths to be self-...
Workers Memorial Mass: Because losing your life should never be a job description
Monday April 29th at 5:30 pm at St. Patricks Church 5th Ave. & Main Street, Bay Shore, NY. Let's again come together as one to pay homage to those we lost on the job and offer prayer for our unions who lead, safety to those who toil and justice for those oppressed. Please bring your hardhat/...
Win a $5 Elizabeth Arden Spa Certificate! Celebrate Working Women this Mother's Day!
Contest for our Working Moms. The Long Island Federation of Labor AFL-CIO has an awesome new contest for all you working moms! Win a $500 Elizabeth Arden Spa Certificate! Celebrate Working Women this Mother's Day! In honor of working women this Mother's Day, they are launching a raffle for a $500...
NBA All Star Game in Brooklyn - NOT at the Garden!
NBA players know that unions are important for protecting workers on the job. The National Basketball Players' Association has a long history of keeping players safe, and the National Basketball Referees' Association ensures fair compensation for the unsung heroes of the game. All workers deserve...
LIBN: Unions thrive on Long Island
by Gregory Zeller, Long Island Business NewsPublished: February 15, 2013 The percentage of American workers belonging to organized labor unions is at its lowest level since the 1930s – just don’t mention it to Long Island labor leaders. As national membership averages continue their decades-long...
Fix the Senate Now
Call your Senators today and urge them to support Senate rules reform. The current rules that govern the Senate are hurting democracy. In the past, our nation was able to move forward on landmark legislation that put in place workers' rights, civil rights,retirement security for seniors and much...
Merry Christmas: Acts of kindness and generosity
As many families, members and friends are still trying to recover from the storm, what do you say except I can't believe Christmas is here? You have to ask how do these families cope with the holidays and have any spirit when many have no home to even put up a tree. The strength of our members and...
Info you should know about the new medical plan
1104: IMPORTANT INFORMATION YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE MEDICAL PLAN (2012) *Open enrollment extended to December 6th There are changes to all Medical plan options and prescription drug coverage and you should review all the material before making decisions. YOU must go online and certify that...
CWA Disaster Relief Fund - Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Relief Fund ApplicationDisaster Relief Fund Member Handbook As President Cohen stated after Tuesday’s elections, “tens of thousands of our members, activists and volunteers stepped up and did amazing work, not only returning President Obama to office but in electing representatives who...
1104 urge's members to take all precautions necessary to prevent injury
In the aftermath of Sandy we hope everyone and their families are safe. Long Island and other area’s will be a long time getting back to normal. The company has declared emergencies in Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island, with more to come. We urge all members to take all precautions necessary to...
Verizon Contract Ratified
Washington, D.C. -- Members of the Communications Workers of America at Verizon Communications ratified a four-year agreement covering about 35,000 CWA represented workers from Virginia to New England. Members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers also voted to ratify a four-year...
Happy Labor Day from CWA Local 1104
On Labor Day, we honor those who fought for the basic workplace rights we all take for granted. So this weekend, around the family barbeques, reflect on Labor Day’s true meaning, and understand why the unions still fight. Corporate Greed corrupts Wall Street. The Unions fight that. Good paying jobs...
Federal Mediated Talks Continue Between Verizon, CWA & IBEW.
The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) issued the following statement on Wednesday evening on the status of negotiations between Verizon, CWA and IBEW. Under the agreement for mediation, all parties must continue to refrain from any public comment on the status of the talks while...
Dear Justice Dept. & FCC: Unanswered Questions of Wireline-Wireless-Cable Connections
Important NOTE: Dear Reader: If you use a cell phone, a wired connection or cable service including broadband, or internet, this impacts you -- from the price of services you pay for, or the choices you have, to even the speed and controls over these services from your providers. The Department of...