Local 1104 News Archive
Pudzer: The Low Wage Labor Secretary
The Trump transition team today indicated that Andy Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, would likely be nominated as Secretary of Labor. Here is CWA President Chris Shelton's media statement: Andy Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, would be a fine choice to head a government agency responsible for...
Special Election Notice
Click here to download.
Special Election for CWA 1104
While there is less then a week left in the 2016 Election, CWA 1104 will be holding a Special Election in January to fill the remaining time on Secretary/ Treasurer Edward Connelly's term. Edward has informed us that he will be retiring in January. I would like to thank Edward for his service and...
Health Care Open Enrollment
The 2017 Annual Open Enrollment Dates are as follows: November 7, 2016 to November 18, 2016 - (these dates are for Active employees and Retirees) This is your opportunity to review your benefits and make any changes to your benefits. Retirees are urged to make any changes during the annual...
Labor Walks
Local 1104 will be participating in two labor walks tomorrow, Saturday, October 21. We need as many volunteers as possible to help Jim Gaughran, who is running for State Senate. That labor walk will start at 9:30 AM. We are meeting at 168 Main St. in Huntington. For those members in Nassau...
Happy Labor Day Local 1104
As we approach this Labor Day weekend, I can’t help but reflect on the impact that CWA and Local 1104 had on organized Labor in the past year. In our current times, with the attack on union workers and the middle class, CWA leadership led nearly 40,000 workers in a 7-week strike that proved quite...
Verizon Surplus Announced
2016 Awarded Scholarship - 19 Winners!
CWA Local 1104 awarded nineteen scholarships. A total of $20,000 was given to the children and grandchildren of our members and retirees. We at Local 1104 hope this money will help in their pursuit of higher education and that they will have a successful school year: Active: – $1000 each Jack...
Remembering, boycotting and voting
I hope that this email finds everyone doing well and enjoying their summer. Below you will find some information on the Annual Horgan Tournament, the reinstatement of dependent care and summer camp reimbursements, the Annual NYC Labor Day Parade and information on the boycott of Mexican made Oreos...
Political Endorsements
The Long Island Federation of Labor has conducted their screenings and is making the following recommendations for the upcoming Elections:
CWA 1104 Supporting Anthony Eramo with Walk Dates
Recently, CWA member Anthony Eramo launched his campaign for State Assembly. Pictured above are Nick Hoh and Steve Birmingham who attended the kickoff and introduced Eramo. He faces a Democratic primary on September 13. A phone bank will be held at CWA Local 1108, 39 Baker Street in Patchogue. ...
Protect American Jobs!
Many other Unions supported us during our strike, now the members of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers are asking for our help. Nabisco is a very profitable company, with a CEO that has made $165 million dollars in the last 8 years. Instead of investing in jobs in America...
Dependent Care Reimbursement Fund
The Dependent Care Reimbursement Fund is up and running again. Members can send in monthly forms for expenses incurred starting June 2016.The reimbursement rate will be $50.00 per week for one (1) dependent only.June and July reimbursement forms must be postmarked by August 12, 2016.Applications...
Have a Union Made in the USA Fourth!
Summer is here, the sun is out and the celebration of our country's independence is almost here! The Fourth of July is an explosion of festivities and gatherings, and we at Labor 411 want you to be well stocked. From flags to ice cream to beer, we've got the goods to make your party the best, all...
Those who support us and those who don't
As we have discussed, we put together a list of people, businesses and organizations that supported us during the 2016 Strike and a list of those who didn't or crossed the picket lines. I realize we may have missed some for both lists, but we're pretty sure we have covered the majority. For those...
Supporters and Non Supporters during the strike
Supporters Local 810 Teamsters STAT Health New York State United Teachers RWDSU Local 338 - John Durso SEIU Local 32BJ Janitors Utility Workers Union of America Local 1-2 Allure Home Improvements Dante Dano, President Sheetmetal Local 137, LI City John Murphy - Met Life Dunkin Donuts- Sunrise Hwy,...